I started out by watching all the tutorials on frame rates, camera bodies, lenses. And this was before I even owned a camera. Eventually I invested in a nice camera and I was doing great. But quickly realized I could only go so far on my own.

I remember when a photographer I admired offered a mentorship program. I was hesitant to pay the money to work with him over Skype. That's a lot of money! But, as with the right teacher/mentor programs, I was able to make that money back 10x within 5 days. And then I did another session, and another. Today the return is easily over 1000x over

the investment.

I turned pro years ago. I have shot around the world and I love to shoot everything. So much so, that I've never really settled on just one medium. These days, in addition to shooting, I love to coach other people at all skill levels, both those interested in Photography and/or Videography and filmmaking. From beginners trying to figure out what camera is right for them, to those looking to UP LEVEL their skills and business. Nothing is off limits. From basic camera settings to what to charge clients, I am here to guide you into this wonderful world of professional photography and videography.

My framework is the same as my mentors. Simple. $150/hr on Zoom and we can cover anything you'd like to discuss. I am also open to other structures and in-person training. Just reach out, let's chat!